how can we—
Increase pathways to leadership?
how can we—
Advance racial justice?
how can we—
Democratize the government process?
The Leadership Next Gen Fellowship (Lng) strives to democratize the government process, offering underrepresented communities a route to become future civic leaders and policymakers.
We hold a strong conviction that fostering collaborative social change needs both grassroots and top-level endeavors. This is why LNG is meticulously crafted to hone students' advocacy skills and familiarize them with the legislative process by engaging with community-based organizations and legislative site placements. This transformative experience equips individuals with a multifaceted perspective that will serve as their compass on the path to becoming community leaders and catalysts for social change
Over the course of 16 weeks, fellows develop advocacy skills and learn about the legislative process through a combination of virtual and on-site experiences.
8 weeks working with a Community Partner/nonprofit organization
8 weeks
working with
Massachusetts elected officials
Ongoing sessions about social justice with the Commonwealth Seminar
Fellow-organized Lobby Day and Graduation Ceremony
Past fellows have worked with the following community partners and elected officials:
The Boston Foundation/ Asian
Community Fund (TBF/ACF)
Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)
Coalition for Anti-Racism and Equity (CARE)
Coalition for Better Acre
Commonwealth Seminar
Common Cause
Educators for Excellence (E4E)
Higher Ground Boston
MA Voter Table
Neighbor to Neighbor
Our Climate
The Health Equity Partnership of North Central Massachusetts (CNHN9)
US Senator Ed Markey
Congresswoman Katherine Clark
Congresswoman Lori Trahan
Mayor Michelle Wu
Senator Lydia Edwards - May
Senator Jamie Eldridge
Senator Robyn Kennedy
Rep. Simon Cataldo
Rep. Brandy Fluker Oakley
Rep. Andy Vargas
Rep. Natalie Higgins
Rep. Vanna Howard
Rep. Keefe/Tom Bacon?
Rep. Steve Ultrino
Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven
Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa
Rep. Dan Sena
Fellows receive:
check-ins with care throughout the program
Mentorship for each fellow
Eligibility AND Selection process
You're a MA
high-schooler or undergraduate student
Applicants must be high school or undergraduate students (age 16 to 25) from underrepresented communities of color or people of Indigenous nations currently enrolled in an accredited educational institution in MA.
—and you're passionate about social justice.
Applicants should be interested in civic engagement, racial inclusivity, and social justice.
CARE will carefully evaluate each applicant’s resume and written essay, allowing them to articulate their perspectives and passion for social justice.
Essay/Cover Letter
Articulate your perspective and passion for social justice.
Tell us about your activities and achievements, experiences, relevant skills, professional and/or volunteer work.
​The Coalition will conduct interviews with promising applicants. This interaction will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the applicant's background, values, and commitment to social justice.
The selection process aims to ensure that eligible students with a genuine commitment to social justice have the opportunity to contribute to the Coalition's mission for inclusivity and equity.
SepTEMPBER 26 - OctOBER 31, 2024
Application period is now closed.
NOVEMBER 15-22, 2024
Acceptance notification
JanUARY 18, 2025
CARE Hybrid Welcome Orientation
FebRUARY 1- 2, 2025
Commonwealth Seminar Training
February - march
8 weeks with an Elected Official, 6 hours/week
April - MAY
8 weeks with a Community Based Organization,
6 hours/week
State House Leadership Action (eg - Advocacy Day) & joint graduation ceremony