Cake Crafter Cookie Decorating Kit Fundraiser 
We are excited for the return of our Cookie Decorating Kit Fundraiser! Cake Crafter is offering these adorable Valentines themed cookie decorating kits where a portion of the proceeds will benefit WTE!

*** Bakery states that the recipes for these cookies are nut free. However, the kitchen if NOT completely nut free & cross contamination cannot be guaranteed. ***

Order deadline is Wednesday, January 22nd

Pick up will be at WTE (outside front entrance) on Friday, February 7th 5:00 - 6:00 PM.

Payment: Please Venmo payment to @wtepto1 with "cookies" and your oldest student's name/grade/teacher in your Venmo note.  If paying by check, please complete this form and select pay by check in last question. Then send check in an envelope marked "cookie fundraiser" with your child's name/grade/teacher.



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Some pictures of the items for purchase....
Original Cocoa Cups - $8 each, similar to cocoa bombs but with a straw. 

Indicate how many you want to order below.

Enter "0" or "zero" if you're not ordering this item.
6 count cookie kits - $20
6 large sugar cookies, 2 bags of icing, 1 container of sprinkles 

Indicate how many you want to order below.
Enter "0" or "zero" if you're not ordering this item.
12ct cookie kits- $30

Indicate how many you want to order below.
Enter "0" or "zero" if you're not ordering this item.
Cake Truffles - $30/dozen

Indicate how many you want to order below.
Enter "0" or "zero" if you're not ordering this item.
How are you paying?  *
Order Total you are sending via Venmo or check:  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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