Medical Assistant Accelerated Pathway to Employment Training (MAAPET) program. This application portal is reserved for current employee's of Ascension, Aurora, Children's & Froedtert.
The MAAPET program is funded in part or in whole by Employ Milwaukee's Department of Labor Nursing Expansion Grant. All applicants must meet grant eligibility requirements in order to be considered for this program. Please answer the following questions to assist us in determining your eligibility for this program.
Family Benefits Information. Please answer the questions below.
The federal definition for underemployment is:
Employed but are not currently connected to a full-time job that is commensurate with your level of education, skills, or with a wage and/or salary you earned previously, or who have obtained only episodic, short-term, or part-time employment.
Self-Attestation Statement
By checking this box, I hereby certify that I am either unemployed or underemployed, as defined by the federal guidelines provided above. I affirm that the information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false or misleading statements may result in disqualification from program eligibility.