Colorado Range Rider Program interest form
The Colorado Range Rider Program is being developed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) in partnership with the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA). 

CPW and CDA are gathering information about the availability of potential ranger riders in impacted areas. Please complete this form if you would be interested in providing these services in Colorado.
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Email *
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please select the top county in which you'd be available to work
Please select your second choice for a county in which you'd be available to work
Please select your third choice for a county in which you'd be available to work
Are you affiliated with any stockgrower or cattlemen associations or local or statewide  agricultural organizations? If so, which one?
Would this association be willing to provide a letter of recommendation?
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Any range rider selected to work under this program would need to be registered as a vendor in the Colorado Vendor Self Service (VSS) portal in order to receive an award. Will you be able to meet this requirement?
Clear selection
Range riding services will be contracted through a standard Colorado Purchase Order, which is subject to these terms and conditions. Would you be able and willing to comply with these terms and the required insurance provisions in Section 21? If not, please explain.
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