Fern Hill Math Club Sign-Up

Join the Math Club Adventure! 🎉

Are you ready to unleash your inner math wizard? The FHE 4th  & 5th Grade Math Club is the place to be! Each Monday morning, from January to May, we’ll explore engaging activities that bring math to life:

✨ Warm up with the Proof card game for quick-thinking fun.
🧩 Solve tricky logic puzzles that challenge your brainpower.
🤖 Create math-inspired projects using micro:bits and coding.
🎨 Use the design thinking process to turn your ideas into real-world solutions.
🌟 Showcase your work in a final exhibition for friends and family!

If you love math, creativity, and teamwork, this club is for YOU! Space is limited, so sign up today and get ready to think, solve, and shine! 💡

Please note some important session information below prior to completing your registration.
  • Math Club meetings will take place on Monday mornings beginning the week of January 6th and will continue through the week of May 12th. 
  • All 4th and 5th graders are welcome.  
  • Please note: We will not meet on holidays or snow days.
  • We will start promptly at 8:30 on each date in Mrs. Zarr's classroom.
  • Drop-off will begin at 8:30am using the parent-pickup line at the back of the school, by the library entrance. Please be punctual so we can spend our whole allotted time together.

Mrs. Katelyn Zarr  & Mrs. Ashley Vanegas

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Child's Name (First Name & Last Name) *
I wish to enroll my student in FHE's Math Club. *
Please indicate your child's grade & homeroom teacher below. *
Parent/Guardian's Full First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian's Email Address *
Please provide an emergency contact name, relationship to the child, and number below. *
Please provide a secondary emergency name, relationship to the child, and number below.
Please note that by your submission of this form, you are granting permission for your child to participate in the FHE Math Club. We look forward to working with your child!
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