Little Leaf Registration Form 2025-2026, Ages: 3-5 years old, the Blue Jay Class, Carmel location
  1. Please fill out this form in order to be considered for enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year.
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Child's Last Name *
Child's First Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Child's age on September 1st, 2025?  *
Child's sex *
Enrollment ( Sept 2025 - June 2026  ) *
We are trying to get an idea for interest in early drop off (starting at 7:30 AM) and extended day (3 PM - 6 PM). Do you think you may be interested? *
Parent 1 (Last name) *
Parent 1 (First name) *
Parent 1 (Phone number) *
Parent 1 (Email) *
Parent 2 (Last name)
Parent 2 (First name)
Parent 2 (Phone number)
Parent 2 (Email)
Address *
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