Multicultural Night Participation Form:
We are excited to announce that Draper Intermediate PTA along with Draper Intermediate School will be hosting a Multicultural Family Night.  This is an amazing opportunity to celebrate cultures from all over the world and especially the many cultures that exist here at Draper Intermediate.  We are inviting students and families to take part in this celebration.
If you are interested in setting up a presentation / exhibit, please submit this form by Friday, November 8th.
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Email *
Name(s): *
Grade  and Social Studies Teacher: *
Family / Parent Name(s): *
Family / Parent Email: *
Country or Culture Representing: *
What will be included in your display, presentation and/or exhibit?  *
If food samples are included in your exhibit, please include a list of ingredients below. *
Each booth or display area will include a table.  If you are needing a larger display area, please indicate below. *
Will you be submitting a pre-recorded video performance?
We do not have the space for live performances, but want to include performances through pre-recorded videos that evening.  We will run the videos on a continuous loop on the larger screens in the building that evening. Please have those videos ready to go by November 8th and we will contact you to determine the best method for transferring the video file.  
Will your presentation be individual or with a group? If group, how many are in the group?  *
Notes & Reminders - 

If an electronic device will be used for your project or exhibit, please be sure it is fully charged.  Electrical outlets will be limited. 

All projects and exhibits must go home at the end of Multicultural Night.

Family members are encouraged to assist with presentations, displays and exhibits.  Draper Intermediate PTA and the staff want this to be a fun family event showcasing the diversity or our campus with multigenerational involvement. 
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