Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders (STRIPED)
Our initiative is a public health incubator, designed to cultivate novel insights and strategies for prevention. We introduce trainees to a rich array of disciplinary perspectives, methodologies, and theories and provide them with opportunities to join crosscutting collaborative teams.
Report: Economic Costs of Eating Disorders
STRIPED, in collaboration with the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) and Deloitte Access Economics has conducted the most comprehensive examination to date of the social and economic burden of eating disorders in the United States. The product of a yearlong collaboration, the report provides a critical new body of evidence on the devastating impact of eating disorders on individuals, families, and society. In addition to estimating the direct cost of treatment for eating disorders, the report documents a range of additional economic costs, including informal care giving, productivity, and broader costs to society and estimates substantial losses in wellbeing.