AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is a global partnership of leading companies in the automotive and software industry to develop and establish the standardized software framework and open E/E system architecture for intelligent mobility.

Core Partners of AUTOSAR

Nine companies founded the AUTOSAR partnership to consolidate the expertise of partner companies in the automotive industries and define an automotive open system architecture standard to support the needs of future automotive applications

Software developer, Website designing programmer teamwork coding a project.

AUTOSAR Standards

The primary goal of the AUTOSAR development partnership is the stan­dard­iza­tion of basic system functions and functional interfaces. Find out more about our standards.

The AUTOSAR Classic Platform is a software platform with a layered software architecture defined by AUTOSAR which is used for deeply embedded systems and application software with high requirements for predictability, safety, security and responsiveness. It distinguishes at the highest level of abstraction between three software layers running on a micro­con­troller: Application, Runtime Environment (RTE) and Basic Software (BSW), and provides a modular and scalable approach to software development.

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The AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform implements the AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications (ARA) and consists of functional clusters grouped into Services and the AUTOSAR Adaptive Basis. It provides two types of interfaces, Services and APIs, and is the AUTOSAR solution for high-performance ECUs to build safety-related systems. The platform is designed to meet the requirements of highly automated vehicles and supports dynamic updates and recon­fig­u­ra­tions of software systems.

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The AUTOSAR Foundation Standard is intended to ensure inter­op­er­ability between AUTOSAR platforms and contains common requirements and technical specifications (e.g. protocols) that are used by the other AUTOSAR standards. Special attention was paid to the inter­op­er­ability of the AUTOSAR classic and adaptive platform standards. Accordingly, the generic artifacts of these two platforms are included. In addition, the standard also provides artifacts that enable compatibility between non-AUTOSAR and AUTOSAR platforms.

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The AUTOSAR application interfaces are standardized signals of the application software that can be used by applications to communicate with each other. This stan­dard­iza­tion allows applications from different manufacturers to be combined with each other or an application from one manufacturer to be reused in different projects. The stan­dard­iza­tion is carried out in terms of syntax and semantics for the various vehicle domains. In addition, AUTOSAR defines implementation patterns for the provision of certain signals from the sensor data.

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The realization of the AUTOSAR industry standard will provide significant benefits for OEMs, leading suppliers as well as for tool providers and new market entrants. Involve yourself in the development of AUTOSAR through the following types of partnership:

Our target is to jointly develop and establish an open industry standard for automotive E/E software architecture.
Become a partner and learn more about your rights, benefits and our conditions.

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