1500 Park Central Drive , Suite 101,

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Phone: (720) 516-1093

Fax: (720) 516-1101

CU Medicine Thoracic Surgery Highlands Ranch Specialty Care Center

CU Medicine’s board certified thoracic surgeons perform procedures on organs in the chest, including the heart, lungs and esophagus. Examples of thoracic surgery include coronary artery bypass surgery, heart transplant, lung transplant and removal of parts of the lung affected by cancer.

Our thoracic surgeons have extensive training and experience. They work closely with our doctors in gastroenterology, oncology, pulmonology, pathology, and other specialties to create a personalized plan of care for you.


CU Medicine Thoracic Surgery Highlands Ranch Specialty Care Center

Address and hours

Map data from OpenStreetMap

1500 Park Central Drive

Suite 101

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Phone: (720) 516-1093

Fax: (720) 516-1101

Get directions



CU Medicine COVID Response
Our number one priority is the health and safety of our patients, their family members, as well as our health care team. To honor this commitment we have implemented the following procedures:

Our clinics are open and able to serve you during this time for urgent in-person visits as well as virtual health services. Please call our clinics directly or visit MyHealthConnection to schedule an appointment for both in person and virtual health.

Prepare for your visit
  • When scheduling an appointment, please be prepared to provide the reason, or chief complaint, for your appointment.
  • Please provide at least 24-hour notice if you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment for check-in. 
  • Patients arriving more than 10 minutes after their scheduled appointment time may be asked to reschedule their appointment.
  • We ask all new and established patients to present their photo identification and insurance card at every office visit.
  • Patients should anticipate paying required co-pays at check-in.
  • CU Medicine clinics are tobacco-free environments. We do not allow smoking or the use of tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) in our clinics or buildings.
  • CU Medicine prohibits the presence and use of knives, guns, or other weapons in our clinics or buildings. This prohibition includes patients, visitors, and staff members with concealed weapons permits.
Exceptions to the visitor policy: UCHealth Highlands Ranch Hospital 
  • Visitation may be allowed for certain COVID-19 patients. See expandable heading below.
  • No visitors under the age of 16.
    - Patients may bring a child under the age of 16 to outpatient clinic visits. However, we encourage all patients to find child care during their appointment time.
  • Inpatients who are under 18 years of age may have two visitors per day. The visitors must be their parents or guardians.
  • Patients in clinic areas or who are having a surgery or procedure may have 1 visitor or support person. A support person for any procedure needs to be of legal age to drive.
  • End-of-life exceptions are decided on a case-by-case basis.
  • A support person with a patient at breast imaging appointments may be asked to wait in the main lobby.
  • OB patients who have tested negative for COVID-19 are allowed 1 support person per 24 hrs. A doula or other similar birth care attendant may be allowed in addition to the 1 support person.
  • OB patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 are allowed 1 support person during their full stay in the hospital.

Prepare For Your Telehealth Visit
If you are scheduled for an upcoming telehealth visit. Here are some tips that will help your provider:
  • Please have all of your medication in front of you at the time of your visit
  • Make a note if there is anything specific that you would like to talk about
  • Have a paper and pen handy
  • If you have a scale, BP monitor, glucose monitor and a pulse oximeter, it would be helpful if you could
  • get readings prior to the visit and have them available for the medical assistant who will be contacting
  • you before the start of your visit
  • If you have received a questionnaire, please complete
  • If you do not have a Medical Durable Power of Attorney document completed, please take a few minutes to complete this in My Health Connection
  • Keep in mind, you must be located in Colorado in order to have a virtual visit
Insurance Information
To best serve our patients, CU Medicine is proud to be part of many health insurance networks, including eligible Medicare and Medicare advantage plans. 
Please contact your insurance carrier to verify if our physicians are participating in your health insurance plan. Due to the number of health insurance plans available, your insurance carrier will have a more up to date list of participating physicians than our office.
Please click here to view our fees for the most common clinical services we offer. Please note that we accept most insurances and have contracts that discount these fees for those payers. We also offer self-pay and other discounts for patients that qualify.
If you are not covered by health insurance, you are strongly encouraged to contact our billing office at (303) 493-7700 to discuss payment options prior to receiving a health care service from a health care provider at our clinic since posted health care prices may not reflect the actual amount of your financial responsibility.

Parking information

Free parking is available for all patients and is accessible via Town Center Drive.