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Mobile Crisis Services

Mobile crisis services are a community-based intervention designed to provide de-escalation and relief to individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis wherever they are, including at home, work, school, or in the community. Mobile crisis services are provided by a multidisciplinary team of trained behavioral health professionals. Mobile crisis services provide rapid response, individual assessment and community-based stabilization to Medi-Cal members who are experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Mobile crisis services are designed to provide relief to members experiencing a behavioral health crisis, including through de-escalation and stabilization techniques; reduce the immediate risk of danger and subsequent harm; and avoid unnecessary emergency department care, psychiatric inpatient hospitalizations and law enforcement involvement. The mobile crisis services benefit will ensure that Medi-Cal members have access to coordinated crisis care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.

DHCS submitted State Plan Amendment (SPA) 22-0043 to add community-based mobile crisis intervention services ("mobile crisis services") as a Medi-Cal benefit. DHCS received approval of its SPA, effective January 1, 2023.

Download the CalAIM Mobile Crisis Services fact sheet

Training & Technical Assistance (TTA) for Mobile Crisis Teams

DHCS' training partners – the Medi-Cal Mobile Crisis Training and Technical Assistance Center (M-TAC) - provides training, resources, and ongoing technical assistance and consultation to counties and their mobile crisis teams to support the implementation of mobile crisis services across the state.

For more information on training and technical assistance offerings and curricula, please visit the M-TAC website

Important Updates

DHCS released Behavioral Health Information Notice (BHIN) 22-064 to provide guidance on implementation of mobile crisis services. Following the release of BHIN 22-064, DHCS released BHIN 23-025 (superseding BHIN 22-064), issuing revised guidance on this benefit.  

Informational Webinars

Resources and Documents 

Frequently Asked Questions

Last modified date: 12/5/2024 11:28 PM