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Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program


The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) was authorized through 2021 legislation to establish the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP) with $2.2 billion to construct, acquire, and rehabilitate real estate assets or to invest in needed mobile crisis infrastructure to expand the community continuum of behavioral health treatment resources. DHCS is releasing BHCIP grant funds through six rounds that target various gaps in the state’s behavioral health facility infrastructure. For more information on BHCIP grant funding and awards, please visit the BHCIP website.


The Department aims to reduce homelessness, incarceration, unnecessary hospitalizations, and inpatient days and improve outcomes for people with behavioral health conditions by expanding access to community-based treatment. The Department proposes to invest in the expansion of beds, units, or rooms by building new behavioral health continuum infrastructure and expanding capacity. These resources would expand the continuum of services by increasing capacity for short-term crisis stabilization, acute and sub-acute care, crisis residential, community-based mental health residential treatment, substance use disorder residential treatment, peer respite, mobile crisis, community and outpatient behavioral health services, and other clinically enriched longer-term treatment and rehabilitation opportunities for individuals with behavioral health disorders, in the least restrictive and least costly setting. 

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Last modified date: 4/12/2023 11:21 AM