BHS Chromebook Request Form
Brookline High School is committed to making sure that all students have access to a device to support learning. If you need to borrow a Chromebook for any reason, please complete this form
  • Please complete this form for each student who needs a device in your family.

  • Chromebooks will not be available until school starts in September. Students will be emailed when the chromebook is ready for pickup at the 115 Library.
  • Fees: Lost/broken chromebook $270; Lost charger $25
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Email *
Student First Name: *
Student Last Name: *
Year of Graduation *
Student's School-issued Account Email Address (e.g. *
Programs (if Known)
Brookline High school has many programs that support students. If you are a member of any of these programs, please let us know so we can inform program leaders. Check all that apply.
Do you have a reliable Internet connection at home? *
Additional Comments, Questions, Concerns:
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian Email: *
Student Technology Loan Agreement
  • Please download this document. Chromebook Loan Agreement
  • Student and parents/guardians sign. 
  • You will need a signed agreement form to pick up your device.
  • Copies will be available in the library if you do not have printer access.
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