ROI calculator

What can using Zest do for your organisation? Use our ROI calculator below to find out how much you could save through employer NI contributions, reduced employee turnover and absence, and increased productivity by using Zest.

Potential savings

ROI calculator

Number of employees

Average salary

Salary sacrifice savings

Employer NI contribution saving


Percentage take up

Average employee pension contribution (%)

Employer NI reinvested into pension (%)

Current Employer National Insurance savings from pension uptake


Holiday buy

Percentage take up

Average number of days bought

Current savings from holiday buy


Cycle to work

Percentage take up

Average value

Current Employer National Insurance savings from cycle to work uptake


Electric vehicles

Percentage take up

Average value

Current Employer National Insurance savings from electric vehicle uptake


Other salary sacrifice schemes

Percentage take up

Average value

Current Employer National Insurance savings from other salary sacrifice uptake


Current employer savings through salary sacrifice schemes


How much could your employee use of salary sacrifice schemes increase by?

Future employer savings through salary sacrifice


Additional savings through increased salary sacrifice


Employee turnover savings

Average employee turnover

Expected vacancies each year


Recruitment costs to fill each vacancy

Current annual recruitment costs


Estimated cost of lost productivity per vacancy

Current total lost productivity due to vacancies


Expected reduction in employee turnover due to improved employee engagement

Expected future employee turnover


Expected future vacancies each year


Future annual recruitment costs


Future total lost productivity due to vacancies


Expected savings through reduced recruitment costs


Expected savings through reduced productivity loss associated with vacancies


Total expected savings through reduced employee turnover


Employee unplanned absence savings

Average days lost to unplanned absence per employee per year

Total days lost to unplanned absence each year


Average cost of each day of unplanned absence (cover staff and lost productivity)

Cost of unplanned absence each year


Expected reduction in employee absence due to improved health and well-being

Expected days lost to unplanned absence per employee per year


Expected future unplanned absences each year


Expected future cost of unplanned absence per year


Expected savings through reduced cost of absence per year


Employee productivity increase

Average value of productivity per employee per year

Total value of employee productivity


Expected improvement in employee productivity due to improved employee engagement

Expected value of employee productivity


Expected increase in employee productivity


Total value of savings and increased productivity per year


Annual subscription cost of employee benefits platform

One-off implementation cost of employee benefits platform

ROI from investment in employee benefits platform

After 1st year


After 2nd year


After 3rd year
