
January Newsletter

Wishing Everyone a Healthy & Happy New Year!

There is excitement at CCT with the launch of a new trust product. Over the years when an attorney helps a minor or an adult figure out the next step after winning a settlement, they call CCT.  Historically, CCT has offered First and Third Party Special Needs Trusts for people with disabilities, and we have not been able to accept referrals for people without a disability.

I am pleased to announce the launch of the Settlement Preservation Pooled Trust (SPPT) that can serve minors and adults who do not have a disability but can benefit from our over 30 years  experience and expertise administering pooled special needs trust services.   


For more information the Counsel section of the Newsletter will answer your questions and we encourage you to call or email for go to our website for further information. 


We are here to assist you and are pleased to meet a need that has been frequently requested.

CCT staff training on our exciting new SPPT offering.

What You Want to Know About SPPTs

The first question that might come to mind is – why is CCT starting to offer a settlement preservation pooled trust (SPPT)?  The answer to this lies in our mission. As a non-profit, CCT’s goal has always been to enrich the lives of individuals who are vulnerable, injured, or have a disability. Through our pooled special needs trusts, we have been able to do that for over thirty years. However, there is a significant swathe of the population who are injured or vulnerable, but do not meet the criteria to be eligible for a special needs trust, like a minor child without a disability oran adult with a chronic illness that is not severe enough to meet the standardfor a special needs trust. 

Over the years, CCT has been asked by attorneys and other professionals to provide pooled trust services to vulnerable people who do not have a disability.  With the establishment of the CCT SettlementPreservation Pooled Trust, we are able to serve these clients.

The second question might be, what exactly is an SPPT? Who is eligible, how long do the trust accounts last? CCT’s counsel, Ben Tiefenback and Rachel Baer, dig into the details. Click below to read more.

Click here to read the full article.

Our Client Services Staff Who Set Us Apart

Written by

Jessica Morris, LCSW

Client Services Clinical Manager

CCT’s Client Services team is a crucial component of the work we do for our beneficiaries and stakeholders. This team does the day-to-day processing of requests, communicates with clients, and ensures the best possible customer experience. One member of this team is our extraordinary Client Services Manager Shayna Parker. 


Shayna attended Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, earning a B.S. in Psychology and then her Master of Social Work. After graduating, Shayna provided direct services to at-risk youth as both an in-home counselor and therapeutic day treatment staff. These roles provided real-world experience, building on her education, and allowed Shayna to grow the client-centered focus that makes her an invaluable asset to CCT.


Since 2019, Shayna has shared her expertise with CCT, first as a Client Services Coordinator and now as a member of the Management Team. This position allows her to guide her department in fulfilling CCT’s fiduciary responsibilities while ensuring our clients feel the care that is our trademark. Shayna’s enduring motivation to support our clients is based in her belief that the work we do makes a profound difference in people’s lives. 

Thank you for all you do, Shayna!

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can CCT do a presentation or CLE for my law firm or organization?

Answer:  Yes, we frequently give presentations about pooled trusts for families and organizations, as well present CLEs to attorney organizations, such as estate planning attorneys, personal injury attorneys, and elder law attorneys.  Our speaking commitments keep us busy; we’ve included below our speaking schedule from last year. If you need more information or wish to arrange a presentation, kindly contact Liz Reid at 804-476-2116 or While our team is always ready to conduct webinars, we can also consider in-person speaking engagements based on availability.

Joanne Marcus (left) and Rachel Baer (right) presenting on Pooled Special Needs Trusts.

Conferences & Presentations

Pooled Special Needs Trust with Commonwealth Community Trust (CCT)

Contact CCT
